How to setup recurring payments?

Go to: Click Here

Follow these steps: 

  1. Click On Virtual Terminal
  2. Select Billing Plan
  3. Click on New Billing Plan

<> Once the New billing Plan is open, follow these steps.

  1. Search for a customer if your profile has already been saved. > This will add the credit card information right away.
    1. If its new customer add the information.
    2. Select Email receipt if you want to automatically send the invoice.

<>Plan Scheduling

  1. Select the Plan Start Date
  2. Bill Every: Number of times per Frequency
  3. Frequency: Daily/ Weekly/ Monthly/Yearly
  4. Until: Select the due date
    1. Cancelled : Options are Until
    2. End Date: Until the specific date
    3. Total # of Payments: Total X payment (6/12/24)
  5. Plan Name: Give custom name to the plan (for your reference)
  6. Amount: amount to be charged in the frequency
  7. Select: In order to save the card information you will have to get permission form the customer.
  8. Save Plan

If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call at +1(866) 553-3999. 

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